You can contact RICH PARSONS via any of the following>


Mobile: 07891 323346 (24hr)


If you fancy an evening of music with a difference, why not get in touch for a quote and let him know of any special requirements/ requests? Don’t forget to sign the guest book and enquiry form. Thank you for your interest, support and for taking the time to visit!
*All images, content, audio, lyrics and music owned and copyright by Parsongs Media 2004

Many thanks to the following for their support:
Dad / Mum / Dan and Rach / Faye and Ste / Dawn / Steven & Jill / James for this awesome site / My good mate Ryan Gough the stand up comedian you must go and see! / Selly Oak Trust School students and staff / Stu Randle for the excellent images / Jack Stain / Street and Laine / Brin / Emo and Steve/ Derek Holt / Casa / Swan Live / Rebecca Paris / Pete Holyman for sound advice...literally! / The under-rated genius of Dan Saunders / Cheggers / Lib & Jon / Cynth & Terry / S&J Music / Matt and Rach / Mark and Mike Watts / Dave Williams / Alan and Helen / RP Fan clubs Brereton, Hill Ridware and Bloxwich branches! / the ever present Hardcore Derek.

Special thanks and love always to my amazing Lisa and Penny Mae, the only motivation i will ever need! xxx

Finally, a huge thanks to my loyal regular venues, agents, landlords, studios & punters past and present who reassure me I am doing something right...and to YOU for looking in! :)